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The Mods

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The Mods

The Mods has been played on NTS shows including The Uline Catalog w/ Calvin LeCompte, with It's For You first played on 15 March 2024.

The Mods is the name of more than one artist: 1) Japanese punk rock band 2) 60s Swiss garage rock band 3) Canadian punk band 4) The Norwegian band "MODS" have also been labeled as The Mods 5) Finnish garage rock band 6) 60s Florida garage rock band 7) 60s Dallas/Forth Worth garage rock band 8) 60s Swiss garage rock band 9) 60s Toledo garage rock band 10) late 70s UK mod group 11) mid 1960s Dutch beat group 12) Pakistani surf rock band

1) The Mods 「ザ・モッズ」are a Japanese punk rock band,…

It's For You
The Mods
Cee Three1966
It's For You
The ModsCee Three1966